Programme SAP RFEBBECODA00 - Convert CODA Bank Statements to MultiCash Format (Belgium)

You use this program to convert the CODA 2.1 and CODA 2.2 bankstatements to MultiCash format. The program imports a CODA file from thefile system and generates MultiCash files. This program is for use inBelgium only.

You need to make the following Customizing settings:,,,,

  • Electronic bank statement configuration

  • To use this program, you need to configure the standard electronic bankstatement in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI) , bychoosing Bank Accounting -> Business Transactions ->Payment Transactions -> Electronic Bank Statement ->Make Global Settings for Electronic BankStatement.
    To process the converted files using the Bank Statement:Various Formats (SWIFT, MultiCash, BAI...) make the settings asdescribed in its report documentation.
    Bank log number and external transaction number
    To convert the external transactions into internal ones, maintain thebank log number, external transaction number, and their mappings. EachBelgian bank has its own log number and certain external transactionshave their own contents. Therefore, the system must convert externaltransactions into internal ones.
    External transaction: 0150000, Bank log number: 999
    First time the system reads the table as XX 0150000999 (XX identifiesthe bank account number internally)
    Second time it reads as XX 0150000
    If the system completes the first reading successfully, this value istransferred to the converted file (015000999 in the example), otherwisethe value from the second reading is used (0150000).
    This option allows you to differentiate only external transactions inwhich multiple banks have allocated different contents to the sametransaction.
    This parameter has no effect on detailed posting items.
    House bank and house bank accounts
    Some banks use the same account numbers for different bank accounts, andthe currency key differentiates these accounts. Therefore, specify thebank account currency for a house bank account. You must also define theG/L account for a bank account.
    If you want to post the details of line items (for example, the taxassociated with the payment), you need to make appropriate settings onthe report selection screen (described under Selection below,under Posting Control) and activate the User exit FEB00001from program RFEBKA00. You must include the following code in theprogram:
    Program ZXF01U01 :
    The user exit appears in the include when you post on the value date(and not on the posting date) in the program RFEBKA00. Used if you needto assign internal or external transfers to particular posting accounts.In symbol configuration, you can assign a symbol, + bank-businesspartner, to a particular account number.
    If you choose to post this way, the system transfers the posting detailsinto the MultiCash file as posting text. For each detail, there is aline on the bank statement in the format AAAAAAA/999.999.999.999-/BB,where:
    • AAAAAAA : the external transaction/

    • /999.999.999.999 : amount details of the external transaction AAAAAAA

    • /BB : tax code for bank charges/

    • The MultiCash program identifies these details with the textBE-BE-DETAIL on its bank statement list. For example, in the case of theexternal transaction for the total amount 3001000 and amount 101,205,the details are listed as follows:
      3001011/ 205-/V3
      3001012/ 1,000-/V3
      3001100/ 100,000-/V3
      The external transactions of the details (3001011, 3001012, and 3001100)and the external transaction of the total amount (3001000) must beproperly configured. The system posts as follows:
      • If the external transaction of the total amount (3001000) does not
      • exist, the system does not post.
        • If the external transaction of the total amount exists and one of the
        • external transactions of the details does not, the system posts as ifthere are no details.
          • If the external transaction of the total amount exists and all external
          • transactions (in the example 3001011, 3001012 and 3001100) are alsoconfigured, the system generates a posting with several line items ifthe debit and credit total agrees with the total amount.

            The program imports a CODA file from a PC (hard or floppy disk) or froma file system. It generates two MultiCash files. The statement filecontains data of the statements (statement number, old balance, newbalance, currency, bank account number, and so on), and the line itemfile contains the individual statement transactions. The standardRFEBKA00 program imports the MultiCash files that are generated.See the program documentation Import bank statement: MultiCash,SWIFT_MT940 report (RFEBKA00) for more information on this program.

            Enter data as required in the following group boxes on the selectionscreen:

            • Input File

            • Here you specify the file to be converted. You can also enter a bankaccount and/or statement number as required; for more details, refer tothe field help.
              • Control Data

              • Set the Skip Globalization Record indicator according to yourrequirements.
                • Output

                • Here you specify the names of the resulting MutiCash statement andline-item files, and whether you want output lists to be displayed andwhat you want to be included in the log during the posting simulation.
                  The system validates if the file path entered by the user aligns withthe file system configurations authenticated for the report.
                  The file system configuration includes a Logical File NameFI_RFEBBECODA00_FILE and Logical File Path FI_FTE_FILE_PATH,associated with the report. You should maintain the physical file paththat you need to use in this report, against the Logical File PathFI_FTE_FILE_PATH using transaction FILE.
                  For further information on maintaining the physical file path, refer toDefining Logical Path and File Names.
                  • Posting Control

                  • General Settings
                    Under General Posting Parameters, set the User Exit indicator
                    The coding in the program is as follows:
                    LOOP AT T_C31.
                    IF T_C31-COMIF = '1' AND
                    IF (T_C31-COMM1 (3) = '001' )OR (T_C31-COMM1 (3) = 002).
                    T_VWZ = T_C31-COMM1+3.
                    APPEND T_VWZ.
                    E_AGKTO = I_AGKTO.
                    E_AGBNK = I_AGBNK.
                    Under CODA Tax and Detailed Postings, if you want to post the details ofline items, set the Post Detailed Information indicator andspecify a valid tax code for all company codes contained in the CODAfile. Ensure that the User Exit FEB00001is activated and thecoding has been included in the user exit as described in theprerequistes.
                    The standard posting interface allows only two line items for eachdocument (if not compressed). However, when you select this field,several detail lines are delivered for specific transactions in the CODAfile.
                    Refer to the following example to understand how the system posts andsubsequently clears the line items based on your selection.
                    Bank transfer abroad, bank account amount: 101,205
                    Details of this amount:
                    ,,Payment 100,000 BEF
                    ,,Charges 1,000 BEF
                    ,,Taxes 205 BEF
                    If you do not set the User Exit indicator, the posting is asfollows:
                    Debit : Foreign payments 101,205
                    Credit : Bank 101,205-
                    If you set the User Exit and Post Detailed Informationindicators, the posting is as follows:
                    Debit : Foreign payments 100,000
                    Debit : Bank charges 1,000
                    Debit : Taxes 205
                    Credit : Bank 101,205
                    In the example, 100,000 is paid, but a bank transaction of 101,205occurs. In posting area 2 (subledger accounting), 101,205 is cleared.This amount generates a debit which is not the same as the credit in theforeign payments account and a clearing amount too high in the vendoraccount. You can correct this posting amount by setting the
                    Clear with bank transfer amount indicator andentering a Code for bank transfer amount (such as100); refer to the field help for more information. The clearing amountis noted on the bank statement list (of the MultiCash program) with thetext Gross. In the example, the net amount is 101,205 (the transactionamount on the bank account), and the transfer amount is 100,000.
                    • Currency Selection

                    • Here you can set the Foreign Currency indicator to make thepayment in foreign currency.
                      • Access MultiCash Programs

                      • Here you can specify a variant for the MulitCash program (RFEBKA00),which the system calls and runs automatically after the conversionprogram.