Programme SAP RFDZIS00_PDF - Customer Interest Scale

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Report RFDZIS00 creates an interest scale (balance interest calculation)in local currency for customers. A letter is created, and you can definethe level of detail contained therein. The letter contains:

  • Text for the letter

  • Item and balance information in a level of detail that you can select

  • Interest rate overview (optional)

  • An interest amount overview sorted by interest rates
  • Precondition
    Prerequisites for the interest calculation and for posting interest:
    You have defined an interest indicator for the balance interestcalculation and made all other relevant specifications. You can alsodefine that the interest conditions are defined under an account numberthat is then the interest calculation indicator. This enables you todefine the interest conditions on an account-specific basis. Checkwhether this prerequisite is fulfilled. For more information, see theImplementation Guide. You call up the guide in the system settings viathe help menu. Proceed
    You have defined the form for the interest calculation in the system.Check whether this prerequisite is fulfilled.
    Define your own forms if necessary. To do this, you can use the standardforms as copy template. The standard form is F_D_INT_SCALE_00. The textelements stored in the respective company code in the payment programare used.
    Define the names of the forms for your interest indicators.
    Make sure that you enter the interest indicators to be used in theinterest calculation in the master records of the customers.
    For the interest posting, in the system settings for accounting youdefine the account determination and the document type to be used. Youcan access the respective entry screens in the system settings functionunder Goto in the menu.
    The account determination takes place via the posting interface of theapplication 0005 (customer interest scale). The following details arerequired:
    First, use the control to define which account determination keys are tobe used. Maintain the account determination key "Business Transaction".You have to create at least posting specifications for both the interestreceived posting and the interest paid posting. If you want to useinterest splitting, you have to maintain posting specifications for eachof the following: Value date period in the past for minus debitinterest, value date period in the past for minus credit interest, valuedate period in the past for debit interest, value date period in thepast for credit interest, value date period in the past for creditinterest, calculation period for debit interest, calculation period forcredit interest.
    The account symbols for the respective interest received and interestpaid accounts must be completely assigned to accounts. For the customerposting, only the posting key is relevant. It is defined in the postingspecificatons. The entry in the G/L account field of the accountassignment is not relevant here (customer posting). You cannot enter theinterest as a held item.
    For interest calculation for special sales types, the accountdetermination is stored under the new interest calculation indicatorassigned.

    For each customer, a letter is created with an item list. The followinglists are also created:

    • Company code overview

    • Additional log (optional)

    • Error log (if errors have occurred)
    • Process Flow and Specifications for the Interest Calculation

      Notes for special general ledger transactions
      You can calculate interest on special general ledger transactions. Anexception to this is noted items. To do this you haveto fill the relevant fields in the report. A new interest indicator isassigned to the special general ledger transactions by means of thespecial sales type entered and the interest indicator (or accountnumber). The interest conditions are stored under these indicators. Thismeans that you can calculate interest on special general ledgertransactions separately and under other conditions.
      You cannot handle different transactions simultaneously. You thereforehave to run the report separately for each transaction.
      Since the master record contains only a "Date of Last InterestCalculation", the relevant batch inputs, if imported, can only be runonce interest has been calculated on all transactions.
      As standard, no special general ledger transactions are dealt with.

      Interest posting and account determination
      If you have selected the field "Post Interest Settlements", the interestposting is placed in a batch input session. If the field "InterestSplitting" is selected, the interest postings of the value date periodin the past are reversed (minus debit interest and minus creditinterest); the debit and credit interest of the value date period in thepast and the settlement period is posted. Otherwise only the totalinterest is posted.
      The account determination takes place via the posting interface. Forinformation about which prerequisites must be fulfilled, see therelevant section.