Programme SAP RFDQST70 - Belgian Withholding Tax Report (Accounts Receivable)

This report is only relevant for Belgium.
The Belgian Withholding Tax Report (Accounts Receivable) selectsdocuments from general ledger accounts, which correspond to a specificrange of customers and time span. Further selection criteria areprovided. As opposed to Belgian Withholding Tax Reports 281.50 and325.50 for vendors, the selection logic of this report is not basedon withholding tax indicators, which do not exist in the customermaster data. You can report cleared or uncleared items. Selectuncleared items by using the document date. Partial payments are notsupported.
Typical posting transactions selected by this report are:

  • Commissions, courtages, ristournes commerciales

  • Honoraires ou vacations

  • Avantages de toute nature

  • Frais exposés pour compte du bénéficiare
  • Prerequisites
    Postings to the general ledger account(s), which is/are used to collectthe above mentioned business transactions, for example general ledgeraccount 10000 in the chart of accounts for Belgium in the referencecountry template. The flag Line item display must be set in thegeneral ledger account master records.

    A sequential output list is generated containing header information onthe customer and a document list followed by two total amounts:
    1. Total amount of all reported items (cleared and uncleared)
    2. Total amount of cleared items only
    The document list displays the FI document number, the document date,and the amount. For documents that have been cleared in the selectedtime range, the clearing document number, clearing date, and clearingamount are also displayed.
    On document level, the amounts are listed in the document currency.
    Output on official forms 281.50 & 325.50 is not supported by thisreport. The information needs to be copied manually.