Programme SAP RFDOPR10 - Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items

The program allows the selection and the analysis of customer open itemswhose overdue items exceed an amount you predefine.
If you do not want a selection with regard to the balance of the overdueitems, you should check whether you can use the program for customerassessment with an OI sorted list (RFDOPR00) instead of this program.The program mentioned last offers almost the same options concerning thedays overdue analysis, but is more favorable in terms of run time.

Information on the payment history of a customer is not stored in thesystem until after the field Rec.pmnt hist. has been selected inthe company code-dependent area of the customer master record.

The evaluation is used to determine as precisely as possible thecustomers who should be subject to more intensive credit monitoringbecause of considerable outstanding debts.
The following criteria are available for this:

  • The current data from the master record data base such as open item
  • balance and special G/L balances
    • The actual payment history also updated in the master record database.

    • The payments from the last five periods in which payments took place areused for the analysis. Using the payment volume it can be determinedwhether the customer generally makes use of the full payment target andrenounces a cash discount deduction (net payer) or whether he mainlyuses the option of cash discount deduction (cash discount payer). Byweighting the average number of days in arrears from the last 5 periodsin which payments were made according to the payment amounts from thoseperiods and dividing this by the total payment amountfrom the 5 periods,a value for the "average days in arrears" is arrived at.
      In addition to the analysis of payment history, an analysis of the openitems of a customer is carried out in the report. In this case, theselected items are structured according to a time pattern that can bedefined freely by the user and output relating to the business area.
      The predefined examination criterion is:
      Days overdue of the due items
      • Analysis type = ovd

      • Calculation: days in arrears = key date - due date for net payment

      • Example: Analysis of open items

        • Document date 04/01/1993

        • Baseline date for payment 04/05/1993

        • Term of payment 1 8 days / 5%

        • Term of payment 2 14 days / 2%

        • Net term of payment 21 days /

        • Key date: 05/14/93

        • Due date for net payment of the item:
          (baseline date for payment + net days)
          Sorted list:
          (*) indicates the sorted list totals column in which the sampleitem above is entered for the different evaluation types.
          Days overdue (ovd)
          (key date - due date for net payment)
          05/14/93 - 04/26/93 = 18 days
          I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I
          I I from 1 I from 11 I from 21 I from 31 I from 41 I
          I to 0 I to 10 I to 20 I to 30 I to 40 I I
          Explanation for column 1:
          Item is open but not yet due
          Explanation for column 6:
          Item has been overdue for 41 days or more.

          In the case of the analysis type ovd, the time axis points to the past(analysis of the overdue items).
          For the summarization level "0", only the overdue open items areoutput.
          If you do not want to output customer master record information withoutoverdue items, you can suppress the output by excluding from selectionthe initial value (0) as an individual value when specifying the selectoptions for the balance of the overdue items.

1164883RFDOPR10/RFDSLD00/RFKSLD00: Variants with special characters
35931Collective note: Formatting/printing addresses