Programme SAP RFDAUB00 - Recurring Entry Documents

Overview of recurring entry original documents
You can use the program to determine which documents

  • are carried out in a particular time period

  • are not carried out

  • are carried out during the next run of the recurring entry program.
  • Output

    • Among other things, the company code, document type, posting date,
    • document number, document date and amounts are output. The first rundate and the last run date as well as the next run date and the numberof runs are among the recurring entry data which is displayed.
      The payment block key, the terms of payment key and the dunning blockkey are also displayed for customer and vendor items.

      sorting is done in the sequence:

      • company code

      • recurring entry original document type

      • document number

      • line item

860369Correction RFDAUB00 because of list change
359230Expiring currencies in recurring entry original documents