Programme SAP RFDABL00_NACC - Display Changes to Customers

You can use report RFDABL00 to display changes to the customer masterrecord data across accounts.

Selection options exist concerning the customer, the change date, thename of the person changing and the field group. Additionally, you canchoose whether you want to see the changes for the general data, thecompany code data or the sales area data. Within each data range, youcan set limits according to the organizational form.

Sorting Method
There are four sorting options to choose from:

  • Sorting by change time

  • Sorting by account number

  • Sorting by name of the person changing

  • Sorting by field name
  • Technical Field Names
    It is also possible to display the technical field names for eachchange.

    Most of the change documents are displayed as a single line. Exceptionsare changes to fields where further keys must be specified for preciseidentification. The bank details are an example of this. The other keysare then displayed in a second line.
    If you select the "Technical field names" option, each change documenttakes up two lines.

    For customers, you define field groups to

    • Protect individual fields via authorizations when maintaining master
    • data,
      • Select only changes to particular fields using this program.

      • For field groups which are only used for selection in this program,select the no authorization field.
        You define field groups in the IMG, under Financial Accounting ->Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Customer Accounts -> MasterRecords -> Preparations for Changing Customer Master Records ->Define Field Groups for Customer Master Records.
        You can assign fields to field groups in the IMG, under FinancialAccounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> CustomerAccounts -> Master Records -> Preparations for Changing Customer MasterRecords -> Group Fields for Customer Master Records.