Programme SAP RFCZZNP0 - Compulsory Declaration of Pmnts to/from Natural Persons-Czech Republic

The tax offices in the Czech and Slovak Republics require lists ofthose payments made to/by natural persons over a certain period, thatin total exceed the particular limit.
The program creates a list of those line items that can beaccrued/deferred.
The list contains vendor items posted in the period specified.

The program outputs the following information for each account withselected postings:
-Name of physical person
-ID number (ICO)
-Amount of each payment
-Payment date
-Reason for payment (document header text)
The list is only edited for natural persons, in other words, for thoseaccounts selected in the field master record "Natural Person"(LFA1-STKZN).
Recommended sort parameter values: S-Sort indicator=8, P-Sortindicator=1. The list is distributed according to the account numberand within the number according to the indicator SHB.
Document type = payment (for example KZ).
The total amount for the vendors - physical person is tested using theparameters "Test limit" and "Lower limit".
Sortation by tax office: To be able to sort by tax office, you mustcreate the tax offices in the vendor master records. Enter the masterrecord number in the "fiscal address" field (FISKN) according to thenatural person. The whole list will then be sorted and groupedaccording to this entry. The name and address of the tax office iswritten out in in the header as the business address. The othersortations and selections are retained. Natural persons without thebusiness address are recorded in the first vendor group withoutreference to the tax office.