Programme SAP RFCRDMRL - Card Master Record: Reload Archived Data

Reloading program for payment card master record archiving

Program RFCRDMRL reloads archived payment card master recordsinto the database.
Take note:
This program should be used with extreme caution:
Before reloading master records, you should ensure that they are notalready present in the database.
Reloading master records is particularly dangerous if the Customizingsettings have changed in the meantime.
Database inconsistencies may result if the file was archived under adifferent release from the one being used for reloading.


  • You are authorized to reload archived master records.

  • The master records are no longer present in the database and were
  • deleted in the regular way after archiving.

    The number of payment master records in the archive, successfullyreloaded master records and rejected master records are output.