Programme SAP RFCLLIB02 - General Ledger (Chile, Peru)

You use this report to prepare a list of G/L accounts and theirtransactions in accordance with Chilean and Peruvian requirements.


The selection screen includes the following fields:

  • Incl. accts w/o transactions

  • Displays all G/L accounts, including those that have not been postedto.
    • CUI number

    • A type of page number that is printed at the top of each page. Enterthe CUI number that is to appear on the first page. The subsequentpages will be numbered consecutively starting with this number.

      For each account, the list shows the balance carried forward, the debitand credit transactions, and the final balance.

      The output screen includes the following functions:

      • Detailed information

      • Displays the line items for the accounts that you have selected.
        • Account transaction figures

        • Displays the transaction figures for the account that you havepositioned the cursor on.
          You can also group accounts by the first two to five digits of theaccount numbers, in accordance with Peruvian requirements. You can, forexample, group all the accounts that start with 10. To define displayvariants that allow different groupings, use the ABAP List Viewer.

1518077New GL Corrections to the General ledger Chile (RFCLLIB02)