Programme SAP RFCLLIB00 - Cash Journal (Chile, Peru)

You use this report to prepare a list of cash flows in the G/L accountsthat you have marked as Relevant to cash flows in the accountmaster, in accordance with Chilean and Peruvian requirements.


The selection screen includes the following fields:

  • CUI number

  • A type of page number that is printed at the top of each page.
    When you display the list on the screen, the page number is onlyprinted at the top of the first page, because it is physically only onepage. To print the list with the proper numbering, on the selectionscreen, choose Program -> Execute and print.

    The list creates a separate entry for each permutation of company code,account, business area, and posting date covered by the report. Eachentry comprises header data (for example, the balance carried forwardfrom the previous year) and line item data.
    In addition to the information provided by the standard cash journal,this report also shows the following information:

    • Official document type

    • Official document number

    • Line item description

    • Tax numbers of your company code and your vendors

    • G/L account information:

    • Balance carried forward from previous year
      Current year's cash flows in the periods prior to that covered by thereport (debit and credit flows listed separately)
      Cash flows in the period covered by the report (debit and credit flowslisted separately)
      Account balance after the postings in the given entry were effected
      This running total is not to be confused with the closing balance forthe period.

1512333New GL Corrections for Chile Cash Ledger