Programme SAP RFCHKR10_NACC - Cancel the transaction 'reprint'

Using the check management function Reprint check, orthe option with the same name in the Checkprint program
you can void an existing check which was printed but not used, andre-issue a new check for the same payment. If an incorrect check numberis accidentally given for the reprint, the system can simply recreatethe old situation using this program.

You have to refer the falsely voided check to the reprinted check viathe replacement check number. You can check this using theCheck display function.

You can then void the reprinted check after running the correctionprogram with the specified void code. If the check had not yet beenused, the accompanying check information can be deleted so that thecheck can be used for printing again using the Deletevoided checks function.


  • Check 3345 was printed, then lost in the mail.

  • The 'Reprint check' function is then started. However, the number 2345
  • was specified as the number of the check to be voided, so that check2345 was then voided and reprinted as check 3346.
    • The correction program is now started: check number 2345 or 3346 is
    • specified, and the Void reason code given could, forexample, be the code for 'Incorrect reprint'. Subsequently, check 2345regains its old check information and 3346 is voided.
      • If 3346 was not printed (for instance, if the mistake was discovered
      • before printing), the check information can be deleted again with the'Delete voided checks' function.

        If you want to process several checks at the same time, you can press'Cancel' in the first dialog box. This will then generate a list ofchecks to be processed in this way without making any changes to thedatabase (test run).