Programme SAP RFCHKE00 - Check Extract Creation

This program creates a file of all check information belonging to apaying company code, providing this fulfills the specified selectioncriteria. The data in the file is sorted according to account numberand check number and its format corresponds to the internal format ofthe DTACHKH and DTACHKP structures.
You can generate a log of the created extract using program RFCHKN00.Specify the extract creation date and time.

The user must be authorized to display check information in the companycode requested.

Here are some examples of the possible selections:
Selection of all not yet extracted checks
All not yet extracted checks with the specified currency and house bankare output, provided you enter no further selections. With additionalselections however, you can define the output in detail by specifyingindividual payment methods, amounts and void reason codes.
Note: A check is categorized as not yet extracted (and is selected) ifit
is new in the system
was extracted in a previous run but has since been changed, (voided,for example). In this instance too, the bank must be informed about thenew status of the check.
Selection of checks in a payment run
By specifying the payment run date and identification, you can limitthe number of checks to be selected. The program can also be scheduledas a list via the payment program.
List of checks in an extract
If you want to make a further copy of an extract, enter the extractdate and time. If an extract is copied, the database is not updated.
If none of the three selections is chosen, the output will cover thewhole database.
If you enter the initial value "00" in the "Void reason code" field,only valid checks are selected. A so-called positive payment file
is created. To select all checks you should delete this entry.