Description This program creates a data extract from the checks file on the basisof the selections you enter. This data is then stored in an externalarchive file in a production run. Depending on the configuration chosen by the user, an asynchronousdeletion function is triggered as a background process after the datahas been archived. The archived object is called FI_SCHECK>.Selections: You can restrict the selection from the database by specifying acompany code, house bank, account number or check lot. If you select payroll checks>, the selection islimited to checks from Human Resources. If you do not select this, onlychecks from Financial Accounting are selected. Only checks that have been either cashed or voided can be archived. Acheck must have been in the system for Number of days>, meaningthat the date it was cashed or voided must be a minimum Number ofdays> ago in order for it to qualify for being archived. The baselinedate used for this is the key date>. Non-sequential check lots can only be archived after all checksbelonging to such a lot conform to the above conditions. If this is notthe case, the lot in question is removed from the selection by theprogram and is consequently not archived. An error message is generatedto this effect. INCLUDE 'FI_RFCH_ARCH_BSP_STICHTAG ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 If the Test run> indicator is selected, no changes are made tothe database or the archive. The records that can be archived aremerely marked as such and displayed as a list. Select the Detail data> field in order to receive supplementaryinformation on the data to be processed. An information line is thendisplayed for each data record, showing its status.Precondition You require authorization for the archiving function. INCLUDE 'FI_CHECKARCHIVE_PCEC 'OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U1 Output The following information is displayed:
- If selected, a detailed display of all archived or archiveable data
- The archive administration data if the data was archived
- A statistic with the number of selected and processed checks per
company code