Programme SAP RFBVD__2 - Transfer of Bank Data (Germany - New)

This program imports into the SAP system (table BNKA) the file providedby the German Bundesbank which contains the ABA numbers of banks inGermany.
This program replaces the earlier programs RFBVD__0 andRFBVD__1.

The program is based on the record layout of the ABA numbers file ofthe German Bundesbank (record length 187 bytes, see below).
This file (on tape or diskette) has to be in ASCII format. EBCDICformat is not supported. A file can be imported in ASCII form, with allof its data already decompressed. The record layout of a decompressedASCII file, however, differs from the layout of the German Bundesbank'sfile by one byte (enlargement of the "Correction date" field duringunpacking).
If you use disks with this type of layout, you have to set the "Filewith unpacked data" indicator when starting the program.
To be able to import the ABA numbers file into the R/3 System, the filemust be available on the file system of the application server. Youwill have to specify the file name and the entire path on which it canbe found.

A statistical report is also output, showing how many banks have beenadded or changed. If bank master records already exist in the system,the data from the file is compared to the records in the system, andupdated where appropriate.
Banks without their own bank number (branches) are not processed.
If the "Mark for deletion" parameter is activated, then banks which areno longer valid (do not exist in the input file) are marked with thedeletion flag (BNKA-LOEVM) and can then be reorganized.
No banks are deleted. The programs "Reset Bank Data" (SAPF023) and "FIBank Master Data Archiving" (SAPF061) are used to do this.
The bank directory also includes the new 5-digit postal codes, as ofNovember 1993. The additional fifth digit goes in the first positionof the "City" field, rather than lengthening the data record.
The program is "aware" of this arrangement, and reads "city" data fromthe second position in the field wherever the first position isnumeric.
Description of the record layout:
Field,,Contents,,Length in Bytes (From-To),,
1,,Bank number,,8,,,,,,,,,,(001-008)
2,,Own bank number?,,1,,,,,,,,,,(009-009)
3,,Previous bank no.,,8,,,,,,,,,,(010-017)
4,,State bank acct?,,1,,,,,,,,,,(018-018)
5,,Deletion date,,3,,,,,,,,,,(019-021)
6,,No data,,5,,,,,,,,,,(022-026)
7,,Short description,,58,,,,,,,,(027-084)
8,,Short description,,20,,,,,,,,(085-104)
9,,Postal code,,4,,,,,,,,,,(105-108)
11,,Short description,,27,,,,,,,,(139-165)
13,,Bank number public?,,1,,,,,,,,,,(171-171)
15,,Reference number,,2,,,,,,,,,,(181-182)
16,,Current number,,5,,,,,,,,,,(183-187)
The length of field 5 (deletion date) in the record layout used byOtten & Partner is 4 bytes, from 019 to 022. This pushes back allother fields by one byte (field 6 is in position 023-027 instead of022-026, etc.).