Programme SAP RFBVCH_0 - Transfer of Swiss Bank Data (Telekurs Disk)

This program transfers bank master data in Switzerland from theTelekurs AG diskette. The record length is 128 bytes. There are 2records per bank (record type "01" and record type "02").
The program compares the data from the disk with data already existingin the SAP system and carries out the following actions:
If the bank data does not exist in the SAP system, the data istransferred from the disk. Only the fields "Bank name", "Street" and"City" are transferred.
If bank data exists in the SAP system, it is updated where differencesoccur with the data on the disk. Only the fields "Bank name", "Street"and "City" are compared.
Normally the bank keys are managed with leading zeros; if you do notrequire this, the corresponding parameter should be rendered inactive.This parameter affects the storage of the bank keys in the data baseand should therefore be the same within one client for all programruns.
No banks are deleted. The programs "Reset Bank Data" (SAPF023) and "FIBank Master Data Archiving" (SAPF061) are used. Banks which are nolonger valid (these can be identified by a set new BC number) areflagged for deletion (BNKA-LOEVM) and can later be reorganized. The newbank (bank key in new BC number) is automatically created or changed.
On the initial screen you can request a detailed log of all banks whichneed to be added or changed.

Only the record structure valid from 10/15/1993 is supported, asfollows:
Record type 1
Field,,Contents,,Length in Bytes (From-To),,
1,,Record type,,2,,,,,,,,,,(001-002)
2,,BC number,,5,,,,,,,,,,(003-007)
4,,New BC number,,5,,,,,,,,,,(009-013)
6,,Full line 1,,32,,,,,,,,(015-046)
7,,Full line 2,,32,,,,,,,,(047-078)
8,,Full line 3,,32,,,,,,,,(079-110)
Record type 2
Field,,Content,,Length in bytes (From-To),,
1,,Record type,,2,,,,,,,,,,(001-002)
2,,Full line 4,,32,,,,,,,,(003-034)
3,,Short line 1,,32,,,,,,,,(035-066)
4,,Short line 2,,32,,,,,,,,(067-098)
The following allocation applies to the data transfer
BNKA field,,Field from disk,,,,,,Description
BANKA,,Record type 1, Field 6,,,,Name from line 1
ORT01,,Record type 2, Field 2,,,,City from line 4
STRAS,,Record type 1, Field 7/8,,Street from line 2 or 3

380410RFBVALL_0: BC numbers with leading zeros