Programme SAP RFBVBIC_0 - Transfer Bank Directory from BIC File

This report program is used for transferring a bank directory that youhave created as a file using the database BIC Database Plus for banksin several countries to the R/3 System (table BNKA).

The program imports a file that you have created as a database exportor a query export using BIC Database Plus. This file can contain datafrom the banks of one country or of several countries. Please note thatthe time required for transferring the bank data is dependent on thenumber of data records involved (and therefore also on the number ofcountries selected), and that the time in which a report program is tobe run online is limited. SAP therefore recommends saving the bank dataof one country in each file.

The program compares the data from the input file with the data thatalready exists in the R/3 System. The program performs the following:
If the bank data that is in the input file does not exist in the R/3System, the data from the input file is transferred. Not all datafields are transferred in their entirety, but the field lengths usedare generally sufficient, and no field content is lost.
The following information is transferred:
Bank name (first 60 bytes) in field BNKA-BANKA
City (first 27 bytes) + postal code (8 bytes) in field BNKA-ORT01, ifthe postal code has no more than 8 characters; in all other cases, onlythe city (first 35 bytes) is transferred.
Street (first 35 bytes) in field BNKA-STRAS
Bank key (complete) in field BNKA-BANKL
Bank number (complete) in field BNKA-BNKLZ and BNKA-BANKL, if the banknumber is selected as the bank key.
S.W.I.F.T. (complete) in field BNKA-SWIFT and BNKA-BANKL, if theS.W.I.F.T. code is selected as the bank key.
Branch (first 40 bytes) in field BNKA-BRNCH, if contained in the inputfile.
If the input file contains a bank that is flagged for deletion in theR/3 System, the deletion flag is canceled.
If banks exist in the R/3 System (in table BNKA) that are not containedin the input file, these are considered to be no longer current. If theSet deletion flag parameter has been activated,these banks are flagged for deletion, and can then be reorganized.
No banks are deleted. You use the following programs to delete banks:
Reset Bank Data (SAPF023)
Bank Master Data Archiving (SAPF061)
You can run the program in test mode (table BNKA is not updated), or inupdate mode (table BNKA is updated).
For test purposes, you can limit the number of records read from thefile. Only the specified amount of data will then be imported.
The following lists are displayed:

  • Statistics which show how many banks have been created and/or changed

  • A detail list containing all banks that have been successfully changed
  • or created
    The detail list is only displayed if you select this option on theselection screen.
    • An error list for those countries for which banks could not be imported

    • This situation may arise for the following reasons:
      Country key has not been defined
      The selected country key has not been defined in in the GeneralSettings in Customizing under "Define Countries". Check your entry, orcheck your Customizing settings.
      No data available in file for that country
      The file does not contain any data for that country. Check your entry.
      Checking rule for bank key was specified incorrectly
      If the checking rule for the bank key is defined as the bank numberunder Set Country-Specific Checks in Customizing forGeneral Settings, the data from the file with this bank key is enteredin the bank master data. If the checking rule of the bank key isdefined as "External assignment", the S.W.I.F.T. code is used as thebank key. Countries with other checking rules are not included and notentered in the bank master data. Check your settings for thechecking rule.
      Bank key missing from file; data was not entered
      Not all the bank data in the file contains the selected bank key(S.W.I.F.T. code or bank number). This data is not included and is notentered in the bank master data.