Programme SAP RFBUST10 - Cross-Company Code Transfer Posting


For cross-company code postings, the total tax due is only displayedand posted in the triggering company code. This is not always requiredhowever. In some countries, (Denmark, Japan, Belgium), the tax amountsinvolved therefore have to be displayed separately in each companycode. The report firstly covers the requirements in these countries andrequires customizing of the company codes involved. It can therefore beused in special circumstances for tax transfer postings.
The report generates a list of tax amounts involved and can alsoprepare transfer postings in the form of a batch input session.

The report has the following contraints:

  • The company codes concerned must have the same local currency.

  • The tax code Customizing used for the transfer posting must have the
  • same tax characteristics, in particular, the tax rates for transferpostings in the relevant company codes must be the same.
    • The offsetting posting for the tax item is made to the company code
    • clearing account. This account should therefore be relevant for tax andpermit postings without tax. In addition, you should be able to post tothe clearing accounts manually - the field "Post automatically only"should not be set in the master data of the clearing codes affected.This implies that customer or vendor accounts are not permitted asclearing accounts.
      • Reversing the source document does not result in new cross-company code
      • numbers. This means that transfer postings already activated cannot bereversed by RFBUST10.
        • The batch input session names are generated automatically in the
        • report, you cannot use your own naming convention.
          • You can make the Customizing settings in the Financial Accounting
          • Implementation Guide. To do this choose Financial Accounting GlobalSettings -> Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Posting -> Transfer Posting ofTax for Cross-Company Code Transactions.



            • When you start the report, select the company codes for which you want
            • to post tax. You can use the fiscal year, the number of the cross-
              company code transaction, document types, posting dates, and fiscalperiods to restrict the number of documents to be taken into account.
              • If you have assigned an external number for the cross-company code
              • transaction, you must select the field "Own number for cross-companycode transaction", so that these documents can be entered correctly.This does however reduce system performance (recommendation: Do notassign external numbers for cross-company code transactions).
                • The parameter "Calculate tax proportionately" has the following effect:
                • The proportion of tax to be transferred is determined from the relationof the tax-relevant postings of the document, otherwise the tax iscalculated from the tax base amount with the tax percentage rate usingtax code.
                  • If a line item in the company code clearing account is only created per
                  • tax code and not per source document during the transfer posting, thiscauses problems in value dating this posting for the purposes ofcalculating interest. If you activate the parameter "Calculate valuedate", the following method of calculating the average value date isactivated:
                    Using a time interval from day A to day B entered in the report, using
                    all documents and their items, you calculate the difference between Band the value date X of the relevant posting item per tax code, andmultiply this difference by the corresponding tax amount. The resultingamounts are totaled and divided by the total of the tax amounts fromall documents. This result is the evaluted number of days relative today B. The actual value date is then day B, minus the evaluated numberof days.
                    The following special cases should be considered:
                    If the report is restricted by posting periods, the lower and upperlimits of the time interval are calculated automatically by theprogram.
                    If X is smaller than A, X is replaced by (A - 1) (A minus one day); ifX is larger than or equal to B, X is replaced by B.
                    • Setting the parameter "Transfer postings via batch input" triggers the
                    • creation of a batch input session. Caution: From an organizationalview, you should ensure that the batch input session created isprocessed completely, and the dataset selected is not evaluated againand posted in the form of a batch input session. The report does notautomatically deselect tax amounts that have already been transferred.
                      • The parameter "Reduce taxes" determines whether the input tax to be
                      • credited in the first company code (output tax) should be reduced, orwhether it should be posted as output tax (input tax). If you selectthe field, the input tax (output tax) is reduced. The tax reduction iscarried out using the tax setting of the original document; thesettings from the "Tax for Cross-Company Code Transactions" Customizingis not used.
                        • The parameter "Summarize sessions" controls at what level the transfer
                        • postings (batch input sessions) are summarized:
                          0: All postings are summarized in one folder (folder name: BUXXXX, XXXXtriggering company code). This value is only useful if only two companycodes are involved in the transfer postings.
                          1: All postings from one company code are summarized (name: BUXXXX,XXXX triggering company code). This value is only useful if only twocompany codes are involved in the transfer postings.
                          2 (Default): All postings that should be transferred from one companycode to a second company code are summarized (folder name: BUXXXXYYYY,XXXX triggering company code, YYYY second company code) .
                          3: All postings that should be transferred from one company code to asecond company code are summarized, but a session is created for eachtax code (folder names: BUXXXXYYYYZZ, XXXX triggering company code,YYYY second company code, ZZ tax code).
                          • The report generates a list of all cross-company code transactions that
                          • are relevant for tax. It also displays the tax total per tax code andper company code. If required, you can also display the entire postingtransaction.

                            The following example involves cross-company code postings. The tax duefor the payable in company code 0001 of 4000 EUR is first posted in thetriggering company code 1000. As a result of the transfer posting, thetax is then proportionately assigned to company code 0001.
                            Original posting document:
                            Posting in co. code 1000,,
                            Vendor,, ,,,,,,10000.00 31
                            Costs,,,, 5172.41 40
                            Tax,, 1379.31 40
                            Clearing 0001,,3448.28 40
                            Posting in co. code 0001
                            Costs,, ,,3448.28 40
                            Clearing 1000,,,,,,3448.28 50
                            Tax transfer posting:
                            Transfer posting document in co. code 1000
                            Clearing 0001,,4000.00 40
                            Clearing 0001,,,,,,3448.28 50
                            Tax ,,, 551.72 50
                            Tax adjustment due to transfer posting:
                            Transfer posting document in co. code 0001
                            Clearing 1000,,,,,, 4000.00 50
                            Clearing 1000,,3448.28 40
                            Tax ,, 551.7240