Programme SAP RFBKXPR_BDC - Implement XPRA BKK92 - Update Charge Amounts if NRADD>0

This report places the following fields in the table BKK92 - AccountBalancing (Interest and Charges) if there has been a new calculation forthe period:

  • item_fee

  • forw_cost

  • accont_fee

  • period_fee

  • The charge amounts for a balancing period with NRADD = 000 aretransferred and written to the table entries of the same balancingperiod and NRADD > 000.
    These fields were previously not updated in a new calculation sinceit was not possible to change charges.
    The table entries for chargesneed to be adapted for backdated periodsdue to the retroactive condition changes

    The report needs to be used in EA-FINSERV 200 after data has beenmigrated before the retroactive condition changes are activated andretroactive accounting is carried out due to a retroactive conditionchange.

    If there is no selection, all of the positions of BKK92 are processed inclients.

    • You can select by bank area for the simulation.

    • You need to process all of the positions in an update run.
    • Output
      Application log (choose transaction F98R to display).