Programme SAP RFBKXPR402_8 - XPRA Standing Order: Sets Status and Default for Execution Day

For release 4.02, three fields were included in the standing order.This program enters these fields for standing orders created inprevious releases.
The three fields are:
Status : There is the status 'active' and 'deleted'. Standing ordersflagged for archiving receive the status 'deleted', all others thestatus 'active'. There is no longer archive flagging in release 4.02.
Transaction type of offsetting posting. This is determined from thetransaction type.
Execution day : If the execution day falls on a public holiday, you canspecify when the standing order is to be executed. This program setsthe exection day parameter in such a way that the next followingworking day is selected as actual execution day. If you require adifferent default execution, start program RFBKSTANDORDWDAY.