Programme SAP RFBKTTERMPRENOTICE - Pre-Notification of Maturity for Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts

You can use this report to initiate correspondence for term agreementsthat are approaching the term end date. The number of days beforematurity can be set as a default in the product and modified at theaccount level.

The report selects term agreements in accordance with your inputcriteria. If the Prenotification of Maturity indicator is set toprint and the date of maturity falls within the set number of daysbefore maturity, then account data, term information, and conditiondetails is retrieved. For each selected account, BTE 00011036 is calledto produce correspondence. The retrieved data is passed to the BTE.
An application log is produced to assist you in reviewing the reportresults. This can be accessed via transaction F98TMPRE.

You must program a function module and assign it to BTE 00011036 inCustomizing.

You can use this report in your end-of-day processing.

Account number 99 has a maturity date of March 31, 2006. You specifythat the correspondence for prenotification of maturity is to beinititated 10 days before the term end.
On March 19, 2006, if you run report RFBKTTERMPRENOTICE, account 99 isnot selected because the term agreement does not mature for another 12days.
Account 99 is selected if you run the report again on March 21 2006.Account data, term information, and condition details are retrieved andprovided to this BTE for processing.