Programme SAP RFBKTTERMPOSTPROCESSING - Postprocessing Fixed-Term Deposits

You use this report to process term agreements that encounter errorsduring the collection, fixing, or calling processes.

You have executed the collection, fixing, or calling process and theprocessing for some term agreements ended with an error.


  • Causes for Term Agreements Being in Postprocessing

  • In Postprocessing During Collection
    During the collection process, term agreements receive this status ifthe system is unable to create a payment order for collection.
    In Postprocessing During Fixing
    During the fixing process, term agreements receive this status in thefollowing scenarios:
    Account balance is less than minimum deposit amount
    Account balance is more than maximum deposit amount
    The product features for deposit adaptation are inactive and the accountbalance is not the same as the contract amount
    In Postprocessing During Calling
    During the calling process, term agreements receive this status in thefollowing scenarios:
    Error(s) occur during account balancing
    The system was unable to create the payment order for disbursement
    • View Error Messages

    • Select a record in the list and choose Display Application Logfrom the application tool bar to show all the error messages for theterm agreement.
      • Navigate to Account or Payment Order

      • You can navigate to the account or payment order from the list.
        • Update List

        • You must execute the Restart Fixed-Term Deposits report to updatethe postprocessing list after making corrections.