Programme SAP RFBKTTERMCONTROL - Fixing Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts

You use this report to fix a term agreement. Fixing a term agreementconfirms the contract amount and the term duration.
You can make further changes to a term agreement that is fixed only ifyou have the required authorization.

Bank Customer Accounts monitors and controls contract agreementsfor term-based accounts throughout the term duration by using thefollowing reports.

  • Call Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts
  • (RFBKTTTERMMATURE) for the calling process.
    • Postprocessing Fixed-Term Deposit
    • Accounts (RFBKTTERMPOSTPROCESSING) to select term agreements that areIn Postprocessing and process the corresponding accounts andpayment orders.
      • Restart Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts
      • (RFBKTTERMRESTART) to read all the term agreements that are InPostprocessing and restart the reports.

        You have created Active accounts with term agreements that aredue for fixing.

        Maturity Date and Working Day
        The system determines the maturity date as one posting day before theterm end date.
        Contract Amount Adaptation When Fixing Term Agreements
        If you enable the Contract Amount Adaptation feature for theproduct, the system adapts the contract amount as follows:

        • Adapt contract amount to minimum deposit

        • The system changes the contract amount to the account balance if theaccount balance meets the following conditions:
          Is less than the contract amount
          Is equal to or greater than the minimum deposit amount
          The Contract Amount Adaptation When Fixing Term feature is activein the product
          • Adapt contract amount to maximum deposit

          • The system changes the contract amount to the account balance if theaccount balance meets the following conditions:
            Is greater than the contract amount
            Is less than or equal to the maximum deposit amount
            The Contract Amount Adaptation When Fixing Term feature is activein the product
            During the fixing process, the system changes the term agreement statusto In Postprocessing During Fixing in either of the followingscenarios:
            There are items or payment orders in postprocessing for this contract
            The account balance falls outside the minimum and maximum deposit range
            You did not select the Contract Amount Adaptation When Fixing Term
            feature and the account balance is not the same as the contractamount.
            Term Start Date
            The system determines the term start date for term agreements based onthe following settings you make in the associated product:
            • Term Start According to Value Date-Based Account Balance

            • If you activate this feature and the account balance is equal to thecontract amount, the system updates the term start date with the valuedate of the payment item or payment order that caused the accountbalance to equal or exceed the contract amount.
              However, if the account balance is between minimum deposit amount andmaximum deposit amount even on the Latest Term Start date, thesystem carries out one of the following activities:
              Changes the contract amount to the account balance
              The system makes this change when Contract Amount Adaptation WhenFixing Term is enabled for the product, and the contract amount isgreater than the minimum deposit and less than the maximum deposit.Further, the system updates the term start date with the latest termstart date.
              Changes the term agreement status to In Postprocessing During Fixing

              The system makes this change if Contract Amount Adaptation WhenFixing Term is not enabled for the product or the account balance isnot equal to the contract amount.
              Additionally, the system makes the following changes when you executethe Fix Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts report successfully:
              Computes and updates the term end date by using the term specified forfixed term agreements. If the term end date changes, the system alsoupdates the dates of the rollover term agreements.
              Computes and updates the term duration by using the term end date forvariable term agreements.
              • Term Start for Each Entry

              • If the account balance equals the contract amount, the system fixes theterm agreements on the specified term start date. However, if theaccount balance differs from the contract amount, the system carries outeither of the following activities (based on the product settings):
                Changes the contract amount to the account balance if you enabledContract Amount Adaptation When Fixing Term for the product andthe account balance lies between the minimum and maximum depositamounts.
                Changes the term agreement status to In Postprocessing DuringFixing.
                Latest Term Start Date
                This is the last date by when the term agreement can be fixed. You candefine a default number of days for the latest term start date in thecustomizing for the associated product. The fixing process selects suchterm agreements for fixing until the latest term start date is reached.You can use this feature only if the feature Term Start According toValue Date-Based Account Balance is active in the product.

                Report Execution
                You execute the Fix Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts report. You canalso include this report in the end-of-day processing chain.
                Selection of Term Agreements
                The system selects term agreements whose term start date is on or beforethe current posting date, and whose term agreement status is one of thefollowing:

                • Created

                • In Postprocessing during Collection

                • In Postprocessing During Fixing

                • Fixed by Posting Date

                • In Correction Mode

                • Term Agreement Status Update
                  The system then compares the account balance and the contract amount andupdates the term agreement status. The following scenarios can occur:
                  • The account balance is the same as the contract amount.

                  • The term agreements receive the status Fixed by Value Date.
                    • The account balance and contract amount are different.

                    • The term agreements receive the status Fixed by Value Date if theaccount balance is within the minimum and maximum deposit range anddeposit adaptation is allowed.
                      The term agreements receive the status In Postprocessing DuringFixing if the account balance is outside the minimum and maximumdeposit range or if deposit adaptation is not allowed.
                      Fixing Conditions
                      The fixing process finalizes the individual interest conditions for termagreements. The fixing process also finalizes the standard interestconditions to be used for term agreements if you select the 2 -Fixing at Term Start (Interest) option for the product attributeFixing of Standard Conditions.
                      If the interest condition has reference interest rates, the system usesthe interest rate prevailing on the balancing date rather than theinterest rate that prevailed on the fixing date.
                      Correspondence on Fixing
                      To notify customers about term agreements that are fixed, the systeminitiates the Business Transaction Event (BTE) 11035 at the end of theFix Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts report.
                      Application Log
                      The system writes an application log to record the generated messages.