Programme SAP RFBKTDEPOSITCOLLECTION - Collection of Contract Amt and Increase Amts to Fixed-Term Deposit ACs

This function enables you to collect the following amounts from thecollection reference account:

  • Difference between the contract amount and account balance

  • This includes collecting the increased contract amount of a termagreement with the status In Correction Mode.
    • Markup amount of a rollover

    • If you reduce the contract amount for a term agreement that is fixed,this function also pays the difference between the account balance andcontract amount to the disbursement reference account.

      Bank Customer Accounts monitors and controls contract agreementsfor term-based accounts throughout the term duration by using thefollowing reports:

      • Fix Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts
      • (RFBKTTERMCONTROL) for the fixing process.
        • Call Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts
        • (RFBKTTTERMMATURE) for the calling process.
          • Postprocessing Fixed-Term Deposit
          • Accounts (RFBKTTERMPOSTPROCESSING) to select term agreements that areIn Postprocessing and process the corresponding accounts andpayment orders.
            • Restart Fixed-Term Deposit Accounts
            • (RFBKTTERMRESTART) to read all the term agreements that are InPostprocessing and restart the reports.


              • Term Agreements Due for Collection

              • You have created Active accounts with term agreements that aredue for collection.
                • Posting Day Shift

                • You have defined the posting day shift and enabled automatic collectionfor the required products. You make this setting in Customizing forBank Customer Accounts (BCA) by choosing Account Management-> Basic Functions -> Maintain Payment Transaction Settings for DepositBanking ->Posting Day Shift for Automatic Collection. When you createa term agreement after making this setting, the system automatically de
                  termines and updates the collection date of the deposit.



                  • Report Execution

                  • You execute the Collect Deposit Amount for Fixed-Term Depositreport. You can also include this report in the end-of-day processingchain.
                    • Selection of Term Agreements

                    • The system selects all term agreements with a collection date on orbefore the current posting date, and whose status is any of thefollowing:
                      In Postprocessing During Collection
                      In Correction Mode
                      To be Rolled Over
                      In Postprocessing During Fixing
                      • Collection or Payment of Contract Amount

                      • Collection
                        The system computes the collection amount if the contract amount isgreater than the account balance. It then collects this amount from thereference account for collection.
                        For term agreements with the status In Correction Mode, thesystem computes the payment amount if the account balance is greaterthan the contract amount.
                        The system pays this amount to the reference account for disbursement.
                        • Creation of Payment Order

                        • The system creates a payment order to record the transaction.
                          The term agreement does not receive the status In PostprocessingDuring Collection even if the created payment order goes intopostprocessing. However, the status is set to In PostprocessingDuring Collection if there are items or payment orders inpostprocessing for this contract.
                          • Application Log

                          • The system writes an application log to record the messages generatedduring the collection process.