Programme SAP RFBKSOCRPAR - Post Standing Orders

Report for posting standing orders in parallel processing.
You can use this report to post standing orders in parallel, providingyou have set up the parallel processing for payment orders in theCustomizing for Bank Customer Accounts (BCA) under Tools ->Parallel Processing for Payment Items.
The bank area is available as the parameter.
You can activate the complete log for control purposes. However, youshould only do this in exceptional circumstances, since the systemwrites approximately 100 entries to the application log for eachstanding order. This can require a large amount of memory space.
In addition, you can deactivate the transfer of the payment orders withan external recipient to the external payment transaction system. Thesepayment orders receive an indicator and can then be transferred to theexternal payment transaction system outside of end-of-day processing bymeans of the RFBPOEX report. This significantly improves performanceduring end-of-day processing.
You can enter the number of standing orders to be processed in apackage. If you do not enter this number, the system makes the postingsin the same way as the RFBKSOCR report (standing order posting withoutparallel processing).
The system creates the packages using this variable so that the standingorders from accounts that are linked by one or more standing orders arealways processed in the same package.
The amount of data that should be in a package depends on the dataconstellations and technical settings for each user, and needs to betested to ensure the correct amount.