Programme SAP RFBKREFCSB00 - Output Bank Data & References (CSB 19 Annex 6)

You use this program when you want to notify your banks of changes incontract numbers or contract account numbers. The program creates afile with all the information about the new contract numbers. The fileis in the format CSB 19, as used in Spain only.
You use this program, for example, after you have migrated contractdata from a legacy system to SAP Contract Accounting. Depending on howthe contracts were organized in your legacy system, this involvescreating new contract accounts and perhaps also new contracts in theSAP System. You need to communicate the new contract account numbers toeach of your house banks.
You create a separate file not just for each bank, but for all of yourbank accounts.

You have migrated contract master data from a legacy system. Either:

  • You have created new contract
  • account master records in the SAP System and entered the old contr
    act account number in the Acct in legacy field
    • You have created new contract

    • master records in the SAP System, and entered the old contractnumber in the Leg. syst. contr. field
      If this is the case, before you execute this program, create a localprogram called ZRFBKREFCSBEXIT with a subroutine REFERENCE_EXIT. To doso, copy the sample code included in the source code of the mainprogram. This subroutine reads the contract number into an internaltable. The main program addresses this program by means of user exit.
      The program only includes business partners in the file if they have abank account with the same bank that you are creating the file for.However, if you want it to include a different range of businesspartners, you can use the user exit provided in the main program forthis purpose. If so, create a new subroutine, DECIDE_INCLUDE, in theaforementioned program, ZRFBKREFCSBEXIT. Again, when you create thesubroutine, you can copy the sample code provided with the mainprogram, but you must change it according to your own requirements.


      Under Data Selection, specify:

      • Which company code is creating the file

      • Which contract accounts you want the file to cover

      • Under House Bank Account, specify which of your bank accountsyou want to create the file for.
        Under Old Reference Number Location, specify where you haveentered the old contract numbers from the legacy system.
        Under Output Control, specify whether you want to create thefile on your PC or on a server, and give the file path and name.