Programme SAP RFBKPICHCUR - Euro Currency Changeover for Planned Items

This report enables you to convert the transaction, account, andreporting currencies of planned items.

You have converted the account currency by choosing Bank CustomerAccounts -> Periodic Tasks -> Master Data Changes ->Execute Currency Changeover from the SAP EasyAccess menu.

The selection parameters of the report are as follows:

  • Bank Area

  • Account Number (you can specify a range of account numbers)

  • Business Partner (you can specify a range of business partners)

  • Simulation Run indicator

  • Application Log indicator
  • Example
    Planned Item in Dual Currency
    Currency,,,,Before Changeover,,,,After Changeover
    Account Currency,,,,SLI,,,,EUR
    Transaction Currency,,,,EUR,,,,EUR
    Reporting Currency,,,,EUR,,,,SLI
    Currency,,,,Before Changeover,,,,After Changeover
    Account Currency,,,,EUR,,,,EUR
    Transaction Currency,,,,EUR,,,,EUR
    Reporting Currency,,,,SLI,,,,SLI
    Currency,,,,Before Changeover,,,,After Changeover
    Account Currency,,,,SLI,,,,EUR
    Transaction Currency,,,,SLI,,,,EUR
    Reporting Currency,,,,EUR,,,,SLI
    Currency,,,,Before Changeover,,,,After Changeover
    Account Currency,,,,EUR,,,,EUR
    Transaction Currency,,,,SLI,,,,EUR
    Reporting Currency,,,,SLI,,,,SLI
    Planned Item not in Dual Currency
    Currency,,,,Before Changeover,,,,After Changeover
    Account Currency,,,,SLI,,,,EUR
    Transaction Currency,,,,SLI,,,,EUR