Programme SAP RFBKPAYD - Payment Regulation List for Download to EXCEL

This report creates a list with payment run data from Table REGUH inorder to transport this data by download to EXCEL, where it can beprocessed accordingly.

The payment program SAPF110 must be started first.

You can make the following restrictions in the selection screen:
Restriction to the data of particular payment runs by specifying anarea, consisting of the parameters
- program run data
- identification characteristic.
Restriction to the data of particular company codes by specifying anarea, consisting of the paramters
- paying company code.
Restriction to the data of particular house banks and the accounts keptthere by specifying an area, consisting of the parameters
- house bank key
- account key.
All the selection parameters allow selection of valid values via thefunction key . If you select the valid values for one of theparameters 'Program run date' or 'Identification characteristic', thesystem displays an overview list for automatic payment transactions,containing the date of the payment run and the respectiveidentification. If you select an entry from this list, both parametersare always filled in. This selection is implemented by the subroutines'ZW_LAUFD_LOW_VAL' and 'ZW_LAUFD_HIGH_VAL'.
All the payment documents items are displayed, sorted according tocompany code, house bank and account code.
The output list is split up into two parts. The left part contains dataon the respective house bank, such as
- name of the house bank
- bank key of the house bank
- account number at the house bank
- SWIFT code of the house bank
- bank group that belongs to the house bank
- house bank code
- account code and
- house bank currency.
The right side displays the data for the payee. This includes
- name of the payee's bank
- bank key of the payee's bank
- account number of the payee's bank
- SWIFT code of the payee's bank
- bank group to which the payee's bank belongs
- payment method key
- payment method description
- amount in local currency
- amount in payment currency
- payment currency
- instruction key for data medium exchange and
- flag indicating whether value date at payee's bank has been
specified (Y) or not (N).
The report is written such that you can download it easily to the EXCELsystem using the normal default parameters set in this system. Thetabulator can be used as a delimiter to distinguish the individualtable cells. This is also the reason why all outputs with WRITEcommand have fixed positions: when the report output list is convertedinto an EXCEL table, all the position data is transformed intotabulators.