Programme SAP RFBKGL_REC_START - Statement of BCA Postings for FI Document Line; Initial Screen

This report lists all BCA postings belonging to line items of an FIdocument. All amounts and other data relevant for the transfer to FIare output.
The postings come from the following sources :
Payment transactions
Transfer postings from balance sheet preparation
Postings from interest accrual/deferral
Postings from individual value adjustment
FI document data that comes from an:
internal FI (FI in the same system as BCA )
external FI (FI in a different system from BCA)
is selected automatically.
You set this automation with your entries in the Implementation Guideby choosing cross-bank area settings.

The FI document was posted from BCA. In the case of external FI, the FIsystem must be reachable by means of RFC.


646449Differences with tax lines in reconciliation reports