Programme SAP RFBKGL_GLDATA - Duplication of GL Data for Separate FI and Checks

Program for duplicating the settings of the general ledger system andfor checking the settings of BCA general ledger Customizing.

If you use BCA as "BCA-only" version, separate from the general ledgersystem, there is certain information that is no longer available in theBCA system. To avoid constant communication with the general ledgersystem by means of RFC calls, you need to save certain information inthe BCA system as copy of the current general ledger settings.
If you use BCA and the general ledger in the same system, you do notneed these copies as you can access the general ledger informationdirectly. In this case, only the checks the report makes are ofrelevance.
The report determines all reachable company codes from the existingCustomizing settings and simultaneously checks if the BCA data matchesthat of FI (same charts of accounts, are all G/L accounts stored in theBCA system also stored in the G/L system, for example). Only maintainsettings that you will actually make use of, otherwise the system mightdiscover errors.
The system does not change the BCA entries in the case of error.
The following data is copied:

  • General settings relating to the reachable company codes (chart of
  • accounts, local currency, and so on).
    • Descriptions of the G/L accounts stored in the BCA system

    • This means you need only maintain this data in the G/L system. If textsor settings for the company code are changed, you will have to executethis report again; the changed entries are then updated in the BCAsystem.
      It is also possible to perform extended checks for general ledgerCustomizing.
      The system checks the following settings:
      Is a general ledger transaction type assigned to every transactiontype?
      Are transaction types assigned to all general ledger transaction types?
