Programme SAP RFBKGL_AT - Audit Trail: Connection Between Payment Items and FI Documents

The report creates a connection between the payment item and itsprocessing by the balance sheet preparation.
The system displays the FI documents that belong to a payment item,which come from the Payment Transaction process. These aredisplayed in the line with the document source Payment Transaction
. The reconciliation key that is displayed in this line belongs to apayment item that is on the General Ledger Information tab pageunder Additional Data when you display a payment item.
The system also displays the FI documents that belong to a payment item,which come from the Balance Sheet Preparation process. These aredisplayed in the line with the document source Payment Transaction
. When you enter a backdated posting, for example, this involves morethan one different FI document. The corresponding reconciliation key ofthese FI documents is a different one than that in the paymenttransaction process (payment item entry).
In particular:
Question 1:
Why are so many corresponding FI documents displayed when you enter apayment item?
Answer 1:
For some postings, for example, backdated ones, several FI documentsmust be recreated for the balance sheet preparation. These are recreatedfor each posting date that is on or after the posting date of the p
ayment item, and for which there are already postings on thecorresponding account. This is done to correct the balance for this kindof posting date. It may be possible to display several FI documents fora payment item that is backdated, depending on how far in the past thebackdated posting is. For more detail on this question, the followingexplains backdated postings in detail. The explanation refers to thedata element BKK_GLACTION (action when transfer postings are entered forthe general ledger process). There are the following actions forbackdated postings:
0100 Take backdated posting off books
0110 Take backdated posting for balance status change off books
0120 Backdated posting balance sheet change
0130 Backdated posting clearing account -> receivables/payables
Explanation of how backdated postings work:
Step 1:
Take backdated posting off books (=0100):
The total of all payment items for the posting day is taken off thebooks. This is a posting between the clearing account and thereceivables/payables account.
Step 2:
Backdated posting clearing account -> receivables/payables (=130):
A new amount is put on the books. This is the total of all payment itemsfor the posting date plus the amount of the backdated posting. This is aposting between the clearing account and the receivables/payablesaccount.
Question 2:
Why is an FI document displayed twice when a payment item is displayed?
Answer 2:
Sometimes an FI document is displayed twice, but with a differentdescription (backdated posting taken off books). This displays theprocedure of the balance sheet preparation when a backdated posting isentered. If this coincides with a balance sheet change, more postingsteps are required.
The document number of the FI document is always displayed more thanonce because the display is at position level. This means that there areat least two positions for action 0100 (take backdated posting offbooks).

The system uses some fields in the item table BKKIT to make theselection.

The system displays a hierarchical ALV list.
If you double-click on the item number, the payment order number, or thedocument number, the system displays the payment item, the payment order
, or the FI document.

717006General ledger: AuditTrail