Programme SAP RFBKGLIA_DETAIL - Accrual/Deferral: Itemized Statement for Accruals/Deferrals Created

This report enables an itemized statement of the accruals/deferralscreated on a posting date.
Interest income or interest expense and charges expense or chargesrevenue is listed in accordance with the selection specifications.
The degree of detail possible extends to the postings per transactiontype. Summarization of the amounts takes place within an account or acurrency.
If a display currency is specified, the amounts are converted to thiscurrency and shown as a total. (Conversion is at the conversion rate onthe day of the posting).

The amounts calculated during interest accrual/deferral are transferredto the general ledger on the accrual/deferral key date and taken offthe books again with the opposite +/- sign on the next day. Only thoseturnovers that led to the putting on the books are in this statement.
It is irrelevant whether or not the postings from interest accrual/deferral have already been transferred to the general ledger. This canbe determined using the overview of the reconciliation keys from thestatus.