Programme SAP RFBKFOLLOWUP - Account Resubmission

The report lists all accounts in which a resubmission reason andresubmission date were entered in the master data.
It is possible to go into the account display interactively.

Maintain the required resubmission reasonsin Customizing

Bank area: A list is created per bank area
Account number: External account number
Key for resubmission: A three-digit key, which can be freelyassigned in Customizing, is part of the account master data
Resubmission date: also part of the account master data
Layout: The standard variant 1SAP is set as a default

It is delivered in the standard 1SAP layout. This includes the externalaccount number, the account name, the resubmission date and theresubmission reason. The data is sorted by account number and date.

The list comprises a list header and a list body.
In the list header the title, bank area and execution date are issued.
The list body includes the fields: external account number, the accountname, the resubmission date, and the description of the resubmissionreason.
The list is sorted by account number and resubmission date.
The column width is optimized automatically. Key fields are shown inblue.