Programme SAP RFBKENQSHOW - BCA: Display Table BKKITENQ Entries as Totals

This report offers an overview of the payment items in table BKKITENQ.
These items have been temporarily saved in BKKITENQ, but have not yet
been updated.
For the update you must schedule report RFBKENQ1.

Table-form display showing how many debits and/or credits including the
respective amount total are stored in table BKKITENQ.
The totaling of the payment items is according to:

  • Currency

  • Posting date

  • Bank area

  • Reason for being set in table BKKITENQ
  • Example
    | Curreny | Post. date| BkAr. | Reason | Cred/deb | Number | Total |
    1 | DEM | 01/01/99 | 0001 | X | C | 2 | 200.- |
    2 | DEM | 01/01/99 | 0001 | Y | C | 1 | 100.- |
    3 | DEM | 01/02/99 | 0001 | X | D | 1 | 300.- |
    Entries 1 - 2: Show that on 01/01/99 there are three payment items
    totaling DEM 300.- in table BKKITENQ, two credits have
    not been updated for reason X and one credit has not
    been updated for reason Y.
    Entry 3 : On 01/02/99 a debit amounting to DEM 300.- was placed
    in the table for reason X.
    Posting date : 01/01/99: 3 items amounting to DEM 300.-
    01/02/99: 1 item amounting to DEM 300.-
    Currency: For the currency DEM there is a total of DEM 600.-,
    resulting from four payment items.