Programme SAP RFBKCON6X - External Reference Accounts (for Balancing)

External Reference Accounts (for Balancing)

Using this list you can create an overview of the accounts that serveas external reference accounts for balancing.


1. Specify the country key of the country in which the bank is located.
2. Specify the bank key (normally the bank identification number).
3. Specify one or more account numbers of the reference accounts.
4. Enter details on one or more account holders.

You receive an overview of all exisitng external reference accounts. Ina one-level hierarchy, the subordinate accounts assigned to thereference account are listed under each reference account.
You can only copy the transaction types for credit (technical fieldname TRNSTYPE) and debit (technical field name TRNSTAPE2) as part ofbalancing to a reference account and also the international accountnumber of the reference account and its flag check digit calculation bymeans of display variants in the item lines of the hierarchical list.An item line corresponds to a subordinate account.
In this list, an external reference account consists of the fields bankcountry, bank key, account number and account holder. If the entry inone of these fields for an external account number is different fromanother, it is shown separately in the list with the subordinateaccounts assigned to it.