Programme SAP RFBIBL01 - Batch Input Documents

The batch input report RFBIBL00 is used for entering accountingdocuments and for clearing open items.


  • Information which affects the entire batch input session is
  • defined in the session record.
    • Information which applies to an entire document is defined in the
    • header record.
      • The document fields for which batch input should be enabled are
      • defined in separate Data Dictionary structures.
        Every structure is identified by means of record type and possiblytable name.
        The structures are:
        • BGR00 Record type 0 Session record

        • BBKPF Record type 1 Header data

        • BBSEG Record type 2 Document segment data (including one-time
        • data, COBL data)
          • BBTAX Record type 2 Document taxes

          • BSELK Record type 2 Selection header data (only FB05)

          • BSELP Record type 2 Selection items (only FB05)

          • For every field transferred into the batch input structure, youmust be able to decide whether the value of the field is initial(for example, field should be reset to initial value) or whether nobatch input at all is necessary for this field.
            That is, a special character with the function: 'no batch input forthis field' must be specified.
            This special character is the default character '/'.
            If the special character '/' is not to be used, it can bespecified in the field BGR00-NODATA in the session record whichother special character is to serve this function.
            Before filling the batch input structure, every field of thestructures (with the exception of the session record BGR00) must beprepared inasmuch as the beginning of the fields are to be markedwith this special character.
            The fields of the structures refer to the data elements of thefields of the original tables. Numeric and packed fields, however,are an exception. These need separate data elements of the categoryCHAR for batch input, since packed fields cannot be initialized witha special character.
            This means that amounts with decimal point can be transferred tothe interface.
            End of record marker:
            If a batch input structure is extended later, the new end of thestructure is marked by a special field (SENDE). If you are alreadyworking with the new, extended structure, you fill this field withthe special character NODATA when 'initializing' structure. Whenimporting the structure, the data can then be recognized as based onthe old or the new structure.
            Special fields in the session record:
            In the session record, the session name must be given (BGR00-GROUP).Sending an additional session record causes the current session to beclosed and another session to be opened.
            The special character BGR00-NODATA can be transferred in thesession record.
            A block date can be transferred in the session record(BGR00-START).If this date is set, it must have the format 'YYYYMMDD'.
            • RFBIBL00 executable batch input program

            • RFBIBL01 'main program' with processing logic

            • RFBIBLG0 generating program

            • The generating program RFBIBLG0 uses the 'main program' RFBIBL01and writes the code contained in it into the batch input programRFBIBL00 together with the newly generated code.
              The generating program generates the code for the 'fieldtransports' for each screen and each input field.
              Supported transactions:
              • FB01 Post document

              • FB05 posting with clearing

              • For the transaction FB01, one document header (BBKPF) must betransferred per document and one BBSEG structure per line item.
                The structure BBSEG also contains the fields for the additionalscreens. The additional screens are only output when processing thesession if batch input data was transferred for this reason.
                The structure BBSEG also contains the fields for one-time data.The screen for one-time data is displayed if a one-time account isto be posted to or if an alternative payee is to be specified in thedocument.
                For the transaction FB05, the selection header data (BSELK) andthe selection items (BSELP) must be transferred in addition to theheader record (BBKPF) and possible line items (BBSEG). For technicalreasons, the data for BBSEG must be transferred before BSELK andBSELP.
                In a BSELP structure, up to 18 selection items can be transferred.If that is not enough, additional BSELP structures can betransferred.
                Currently, the following transactions are not yet supported:
                With the transaction FB01, no special G/L transactions
                can be posted by means of batch input.
                Generating record layouts:
                You can generate record layouts via the menu bar option "Tools" inthe Financial Accounting customizing menu. As an alternative, you canbranch from here directly into Customizing Proceed.You will find a description of this function in the IMG of the menubar option.

138218OXK3: Problems with customer fields in batch input