Programme SAP RFBELJ10_NACC -

The document journal is created monthly and contains all postings of theposting period in the context of documents. The document journaldisplays the most important data from the document header and line itemstogether. Depending on the accounting principles applied in the givencountry, it may be necessary to print the document journal on paperbearing a legal stamp.
If sort indicator "2" is selected, a subtotal for each posting date isalso output.
If you wish, you can exclude certain G/L accounts from the journal. Thereverse scenario - creating the journal for certain accounts only isinadvisable for performance reasons.
For performance reasons, the classic list (selection parameters) shouldalways be used for large volumes of data.
By means of the "Test" parameter, you can control whether the currentdebit and credit totals of the monthly report are to be stored in tableTRVOR. If the "Test" parameter is not set, an update is carried out tothe following fields of table TRVOR:
Argument: - report name
- company code
- fiscal year from the posting period
Functional part: - highest printed posting date
- consecutive debit total
- consecutive credit total
- last assigned consecutive document number
- CPU date of the run
During every new monthly run, the debit and credit totals from tableTRVOR are taken and displayed as a carryforward in the document journal.
If New General Ledger Accounting is active, updates are made to tableFAGL_TRVOR instead of table TRVOR. The data is updated there for eachledger.
When New General Ledger Accounting is active, it is also possible tosummarize document information using the instruction DocumentSummarization. If this parameter is selected, the data from the lineitems of the entry view (table BSEG) are output, otherwise the line itemdata from the entry view is merged with the data from the general ledgerline items. This could mean that line items from the entry view are eachsplit into multiple lines due to document splitting. Furthermore,applying the Document Summarization parameter also changed the(default) sort setting. If the parameter is not selected, the sort usesthe general ledger document number (DOCNR) instead of the entry documentnumber (BELNR).
In a summary sheet, the debit and credit totals are displayed separatelyaccording to account types per posting period, currency, company codeand fiscal year. The summary sheet is output again for every companycode during control break. These summary sheets can be used forreconciliation with the account balance lists (accounting reconciliationon a larger scale).

Sort indicator 1: Company code
Document number
Fiscal year
Fiscal period
Posting date
Line item
Sort indicator 2: Company code
Fiscal year
Fiscal period
Posting date
Document number
Line item


A list is created in accordance with the parameters you entered on theselection screen. For example, you can choose between different levelsof detail and cumulation levels. You can also have the items numbered inascending order or have the alternative account number output insteadof that defined in the document output.
The posting key, and, where appropriate, the special G/L indicator isprinted for each line item. If the line item was a negative posting, a"-" is added to the posting key.
In Italy, the list must be created minus CPU date. The indicator shortheader shortens the title that is displayed on every page.
A feature of note is the special document type. By entering a documenttype in this parameter field and a date interval for document entry, thesystem replaces the posting date with the document date (and vice versa)for the relevant documents. This function is used in Italy wherepostings to the previous fiscal year are required during the initialmonths of a new fiscal year. Note however, that the relevant documentsmust be printed in the document journal for the current period.
You post a document in April with posting date 15.04 and document date31.12 of the previous year. The document type is "BC". In the report,the special document type "BC" is restricted by the CPU date 15.04. Thisdocument is then printed with posting date 31.12 and document date15.04.
To ensure the journal is correct, you must choose a number range for thespecial document type that does not overlap with the number ranges forthe other document types.
With large data volumes, the classic list should be used for printing inthe background for performance reasons. If indexing is to occur in theOptical Archive, it can only be performed with the classic list.

Microfiche Line
The variable part of the microfiche line has the following structure:

  • Company code ,, 4 places

  • Fiscal year ,, 4 places

  • Document number,, 10 places

  • Posting date ,, 8 places (format YYYYMMDD)

1643588RFBELJ10_NACC: Italy - Alt. Reference Number not displayed