Programme SAP RFBANK_ALE - Distribution of the bank master data

Distribution of Created Banks

If you use ALE to distribute banks, the bank data is automatically sentto all the systems in the system group. However, it is possible thatbank data is not distributed, because the system to which thebank data is to be sent is not available, or the settings inCustomizing are incomplete or incorrect, for example.
In this case you can use this report to distribute bank data you havealready created in one of the systems to the other systems.
For more information on the distribution of banks, refer to the SAPLibrary and choose Cross-Application Components -> BusinessFramework Architecture -> ALE Business Process Library ->Cross-Application Business Processes -> Distribution of Banks.

You have made the settings for the distribution of banks with ALE. Youcan find these in Customizing by choosing Cross-ApplicationComponents -> Predefined ALE Business Processes -> Cross-ApplicationBusiness Processes -> Distribution ofbank master data

If the bank does not yet exist in the target system, it is newlycreated. If the bank exists in the target system, the changed data(such as address data, bank identification number, S.W.I.F.T. code) isupdated.

Specify the bank country and the bank key of the banks you wish todistribute and execute the report. Start the report first as a test runand check if the right banks are selected.
If you do not enter any bank data, the system automatically selects allbanks. If the selected amount is too large, a message appears askingyou to restrict the amount of data.

A list appears showing the banks that have been sent to the othersystems in the system group.