Programme SAP RFBABL00_NACC - Display of Changed Documents

You can use report RFBABL00 to create a complex list of changes made tovarious documents.

Data Selection
You can select documents by company code, document number, fiscal year,change date, the name of the user who made the change, the receivingcompany code (only with external documents), and field group. You candisplay changes made in the document header or in line items.
You can make additional selections by document type as well as byposting key and special G/L indicator in line items. These extraselections may, however, make the program processing time slightlylonger.

Sorting Method
There are four sorting options to choose from:

  • Sort by change time

  • Sort by document number

  • Sort by name of user who made the change

  • Sort by field name
  • Types of Document
    You can choose from the following document forms:

    • Documents

    • Recurring documents

    • Sample documents

    • Parked documents

    • Previously parked documents

    • External documents

    • If you select "Previously parked documents", you receive the changehistory of a document from the first time it was parked right up to whenit was posted. When using this form of document, you can only usedocument sorting method "2" (by document number).

      Technical Field Names
      It is also possible to display the technical field name for each change.

      Most of the change documents are displayed as a single line. Theexceptions to this are changes where the new or the old field value islonger than 35 characters; these field values are displayed in twolines.
      If you select the "Technical field names" option, each change documentrequires an extra line.

      You define field groups in the Financial Accounting Configuration menuunder the following menu path:
      Business volume -> Further reporting -> Display changes -> Docs: fldgroups
      You can assign fields to field groups via the following path:
      Business volume -> Further reporting -> Display changes -> Docs: fldassgn.