Programme SAP RFAWVZ5P_NACC - German Foreign Trade Regulations Report Z5A - load DME file to disk

The program loads the data for the report according to Z5A of the Germanforeign trade regulations onto a PC disk or deletes the original file(for example, if the report was carried out and the file is no longerneeded for a repeat run).
For the copying procedure, the user must be logged on to the SAP systemon a PC.
At the start of the program, the user must specify the DME file createdby the print program which he can find by consulting the flow trace forthe print program. The report is only required in Germany. The name ofthe file created and sent on disk to the State Central Bank is "AUSWI".

If the created DME file has been generated on another machine (on abackground processing machine, for example) and the machine, on whichthis program is started, has no access to the subdirectory in which thesource file is stored, an error message is issued that the source filecould not be opened. As a temporary solution you can logon to thebackground processing machine and copy the DME file to the PC. In thelong term it would make sense, on starting the form printing programs,to define a path which can be accessed by all machines.