Programme SAP RFAWVZ58 - German Foreign Trade Regulations Report Z5a

Schedule Z 5A, of the German foreign trade regulations stipulates thatreceivables and payables in respect of non-resident companies, (dividedbetween associated and non-associated non-resident companies) are to bereported on this form to the respective state central bank, forforwarding to the German Central Bank.
Reporting need take place only if the total of receivables or payablesexceeds the reporting exemption limit.
*******This form may be used until the end of 1998 only.**********
Receivables and payables are broken down into periods of up to oneyear, periods of more than one year, and down payments. Totals aredisplayed per country.
All customer/vendor items open at the key date are checked. Whether anaccount is receivable or payable is determined by the total of the openitems per customer account and by the currency in question. The onlydistinction made between currencies is that between local and foreigncurrency. Maturity is calculated from the difference between the duedate and the posting date.
Discounted and forfaited bills of exchange must not be reported.
The total of down payments is the sum of down payments and (optionally)of other advance payments which are determined by means of the downpayment posting key option. This could be the payment on accountposting key. All accounts whose affiliated company ID (VBUND) has notbeen set to "blank" are regarded as affiliated companies.
Data is output in the format laid down by the German Central Bank.Alternatively, it can be reported by DME (Data Medium Exchange) ondisk, in which case the data is buffered. To store the data, auser-defined file name has to be specified. The data is then loadedfrom the file to a PC disk using report RFAWVZ5P.
When submitting the EDP list, note that the German Central Bank onlyaccepts forms in DINA4 high format - you must therefore use a printerfont with 10 CPI and 12 CPI (characters per inch) or smaller for theoutput.

You must make additional entries for the company code in Customizing.Check whether this has been done.
Before you can submit the DV list to the central bank in question, yourequire a special permit that you must apply for at the central bankprior to submitting the DV list for the first time.
Reporting data by disk
The report data is placed in a sequential file. Any missing alternativecountry keys are also reported in this file.
If an error occurs, correct the country table and rerun the program.
The Bundesbank also provides a PC program which you can use to generateor correct a report by PC.
Wherever possible, please view the report on disk rather than printingit out.