Programme SAP RFAWVZ40N - Z4 Reports for Foreign Trade Regulations on Basis of Receiv./Payables

Z4 Reporting as required by foreign trade regulations (FTR) on basis ofposting of receivables/payables.

This report is used to create the Z4 appendix in accordance with foreigntrade regulations.
Ingoing and outgoing payments are reported on the basis ofreceivables/payables (customer/vendor invoice item) in the month of theposting. Furthermore, general ledger transactions (G/L account postings)that are subject to reporting requirements can be reported if the G/Laccounts concerned are managed on an open item basis or on a line itembasis.
To be able to perform Z4 reporting on this basis, however, acorresponding approval for this exception must first be obtained fromthe German Bundesbank. As a general rule, we recommend that, before youcreate reports using this program, you first contact the service centerof the German Bundesbank and, if necessary, send some reports by way ofa test.

You must fulfill the following prerequisites before you can print the Z4reports:
The State Central Bank (SCB) indicator must be maintained. If you haveentered a document type as an SCB key figure, such as 1, 3, or 5, theprogram uses 2, 4, or 6 for outgoing payments, and vice versa. Youmaintain the SCB indicator in the Implementation Guide for Accounting.For more information, see the documentation in the Implementation Guidefor Accounting under Define SCB Indicatorfor Foreign Trade Regulations.
In the corresponding field selection strings for the posting keys andG/L accounts or reconciliation accounts, the SCB/Supplying Countryfields must be activated in the Foreign Payments group. You maintain thefield status definition groups in the Implementation Guide forAccounting. For more information, see the documentation in theImplementation Guide for Accounting underDefine Field Status Definition Groupsand Define Posting Key.
In the global data of the reporting company code, the followingparameters have to be maintained by making additional entries:
FTR: Trade of Reporting Company
FTR: Accounting Clerk
FTR: Reporting Number
FTR: Federal State
FTR: Reporting Company Address
FTR: Accounting Clerk's Telephone Number (with Fax Number)
FTR: Approval
FTR: SCB Details
FTR: E-Mail Address
You maintain the global parameters in the Implementation Guide forAccounting.
For more information, see the documentation in the Implementation Guidefor Accounting under Enter GlobalParameters.
In the country definitions, the following must be entered: The shortdescription for the foreign trade statistics, and the relevant keynumber as an alternative country key. The necessary data can be takenfrom the directory of countries used for foreign trade statistics. Youmaintain countries in the Implementation Guide for global settings. Formore information, see the Implementation Guide for global settings underSet Countries.

In principle, the quantity of the documents to be considered for thereport is restricted by the selection using the posting date or entrydate. Specification of the reporting period and the reporting yeardetermines the period in which the posting date or entry date of thedocument has to fall.
Usage of theSelect Open Items Parameter
Select this parameter for the creation of a one-time special report forthe transition to Z4 reporting on the basis of payables/receivables. Inthis case, the item selection comprises the documents that were postedor entered during the specified reporting period (year/month). Inaddition, open items are selected for the key date Last Day of thePrevious Month and are displayed in the Z4 reporting of the currentreporting period.
Z4 reporting needs to be defined from reporting month 01/2007 and on thebasis of payables/receivables (where reporting month = month of theposting). Since Z4 reporting on the basis of payments/clearingpreviously considered a different reporting time (reporting month =month of clearing), the first report on the basis ofpayables/receivables represents a special report in which the open itemsat the time of the transition additionally need to be considered in thecurrent reporting month.
In Z4 reporting for the month 01/2007, select the parameter SelectOpen Items parameter. When the report is executed, the selectioncomprises the documents that were posted or entered in the period01/01/2007-01/31/2007, as well as the items open on key date 12/31/2006.The items are reported in reporting month 01/2007.
For Z4 reporting of the following months, the Select Open Itemsparameter must not be set.


  • Line item list

  • The following data is shown:
    Company code
    SCB indicator
    Supplying country (optionally with an alternative country key)
    Currency used in reporting
    Document number, fiscal year, line item, posting key, account type, andcurrency of the line item in the SCB details.
    Clearing document number
    Amount in EUR
    Debit/credit indicator
    Document type for Z4 reporting
    • Z4 appendix for FTR

    • Payments made in foreign trade transactions
      (the goods number in transit is currently not filled)