Programme SAP RFASLM00_P - EC Sales List

This program creates a form for the EC sales list. The sales listshould be created quarterly or annually, but can be issued at othertimes (for test purposes, or for the case that this is permitted by theresponsible tax authorities).
The sales list deals with normal documents whose output tax codes havebeen flagged as EU codes with the value "1" or "3" in the systemsettings.
If the customer's VAT registration number is missing from the document,the system issues a detailed error message. The information is notincluded in the report.
If required, you can request a list of line itemsthat lists the information to be reported at document level andproduces the following totals:
*,,Total per subcontracting indicator (0/1)
**,,Total per customer VAT registration number
***,,Total per company code
The actual layout of the EC sales list is defined in aSAPscript form. F_ASL_DE is recommended for the GermanEC sales list; this form has been approved by the German taxauthorities. The form F_ASL_DE_LISTE is also defined, which issues notonly the data necessary for the report, but also the customer's addressdata. If you wish to make use of this feature, select the parameterAlso read address data.
The report should show the invoiced value of goods inlocal currency for each customer VAT registrationnumber. Fields that can be defined in the form as symbols can be takenfrom the structure ASLM. Under additional details, youcan define a registration entry (with the registration number of thereporting party) for the company code (this is required in Germany, forexample).

Reporting in EURO
If you wish to submit a report in EURO, you must carry out thefollowing activities in the Implementation Guide for FinancialAccounting:
Activate the alternative local currency:
General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing ->Reporting -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Activate Alternative LocalCurrency for Advance Tax Return
Assign the currency EURO to program RFASLM00
General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing ->Reporting -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Specify Alternative LocalCurrency for Sales/Purch. Tax Return
When you execute the program, select the Alternative local currency

Special features for Belgium
Use form F_ASL_BE or F_ASL_BE_EUR for reporting in EURO for Belgium.Use the relevant parameters to have the system assign the program, readthe address data, and issue per tax number.

Special features for United Kingdom
For the United Kingdom, form F_ASL_GB with reference numberVOPS/ESL/1719 has been approved by the British tax authorities. Pleasenote that every person to use this form requires individualauthorization, which can be obtained by stating the above referencenumber.

You can make additional specifications for the company code in thesystem settings (under argument 'registration entry ZM'). You canaccess the relevant data entry screen from the company code detailscreen. Check whether this prerequisite has been met.
The tax codes must be flagged as EU codes in the system settings. Checkwhether this prerequisite has been met.