Programme SAP RFASLDPC - Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk

The program loads EC sales list (RFASLD*) files onto a PC disk ordeletes the original file if this is no longer needed.
For the copying procedure, the user must be logged on to the SAP Systemvia a PC.
When you start the program, you must specify the file generated by theRFASLD* program, the name for which is in the flow trace. You shouldalso specify the target drive, subdirectory and the name of the targetfile according to national legal requirements. The program recognizeswhether the file has the correct format by means of the file type. Thefollowing are supported:
AT for Austria
BE for Belgium
ES for Spain
FI for Finland
** for other countries

If a file with Spanish format (file type ES) is copied, then you shoulduse a target file name of the type CEnn (as specified by the relevantregulation), where nn is the reporting year.
If a file with Finnish format (file type FI) is copied, then you shoulduse a target file name of the tpye YVEnnnn.YVE (as specified by therelevant regulation), where nnnn is the required characterstring.

If the file generated has been created on another machine (on a machinefor background processing, for example) and the machine from which thisprogram is started does not have access to the subdirectory in whichthe source file is stored, an error message is issued to say that thesource file could not be opened. As a temporary solution, you can logonto the other machine and copy the file to the PC. In the long term itwould make sense to specify a path when starting the form printprograms which can be accessed by all machines.

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1627531PT: Mapas Fiscais - Portaria nº 92-A/2011 XML for SNC forms
1474345Lithuania - VAT 2010 - EC Sales list
1428597Slovakia - VAT 2010 - EC Sales List
837748RFASLDPC: Incorrect processing under Unicode
1127599EC sales list for Germany using CSV file
1360726SAFT-PT RFASLDPC not able to download xml file from Appl Ser
1309697RFASLDPC: Large files copied incompletely
1035730RFASLD20: EC sales list Germany as of 2007
552464What is Big Endian / Little Endian? What Endian do I have?
1063256 RFUMPT00 : Legal Change 2007 (Anexo O and Anexo P)
989338RFASLDPC: Character set conversion
863759EC sales list for Ireland
783097RFASLD11B Unicode Error
753909RFASLDPC Error during code page conversion
635321RFUMPT00: Generated file format is incorrect
599412Incorrect file-format of report RFUMPT00