Programme SAP RFASLD12_P - EC Sales List (Austria)

This program creates the EC sales list in accordance with theguidelines for the electronic transmission of EC sales lists in Austria(Federal Ministry of Finance, division VI/6, version 02 from 12thOctober 1994). The sales list has to be generated every quarter, butcan also be created for other periods for test purposes.
The sales list deals with normal documents whose output tax codes havebeen flagged as EU codes with the value "1" or "3" in the systemsettings.
If the customer's VAT registration number is missing from the document,the system issues a detailed error message. The information is notincluded in the report.
If required, you can request a list of line itemsthat lists the information to be reported at document level andproduces the following totals:
*,,Total per subcontracting indicator (0/1)
**,,Total per customer VAT registration number
***,,Total per company code
You must maintain the tax office number, tax number, and dataprocessing register number so that the submitting company's (that is,the company code's) data is correct on the data medium. These detailsare transmitted in the information record, which is issued in aseparate list so that it can be used to carry out checks.
A previously-made report can be reversed by using the relevantselection parameters. Among other things, you must specify thetransmission date of the report to be reversed, which can be taken fromthe check list described above.
You can use program RFASLDPC to copy the generated file to a localdrive.

Reporting in EURO
The EC sales list can only ever be produced in one currency for aparticular quarter. For example, if you have submitted a report in ATSfor Q2/1999, all subsequent reports must also be submitted in ATS forthis quarter.
If you wish to submit a report in EURO, you must carry out thefollowing activities in the Implementation Guide for FinancialAccounting:
Activate the alternative local currency:
General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing ->Reporting -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Activate Alternative LocalCurrency for Advance Tax Return
Assign the currency EURO to program RFASLD12:
General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing ->Reporting -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Specify Alternative LocalCurrency for Sales/Purch. Tax Return
The ISO code for currency euro in your system must be indicated as'EUR' in table TCURC.
When you execute the program, select the Alternative local currency

You must maintain the address data and additional details that arerelevant for reporting for each company code. You can access therelevant data entry screen from the company code detail screen. Checkwhether this prerequisite has been met.
The tax codes must be flagged as EU codes in the system settings. Checkwhether this prerequisite has been met.