Programme SAP RFASLD12 - Zusammenfassende Meldung (Österreich)

This report creates the EC sales list in accordance with the guidelinesfor the electronic transmission of the EC sales list in Austria (FederalMinistry of Finance, dept. VI/6, version 02, from 12th October 1994; XMLoutput from 1st quarter 2004). This report must be created monthly.
The sales list contains data from normal documents whose output VAT codehas been marked as an EC code (with value "1" or "3" or "4") in thesystem configuration.
New tax codes with EU Code '4' indicate the intra-EC supplies ofservices for output taxes. Please refer to the note 1403538 for furtherdetails.
If the customer VAT registration number is not indicated in thedocument, the system generates a detailed error message. If thishappens, the information is not issued in the sales list.
If required, a line item list can be requested thatlists the information to be reported at document level and totals thefollowing:
*,,total per subcontracting indicator (0/1)
**,,total per VAT registration number of the customer
***,,total per company code
It is possible to reverse a previously submitted EC sales list using thecorresponding selection parameter.
The system validates if the file path entered by the user aligns withthe file system configurations authenticated for the report.
The file system configuration includes a logical file nameFI_RFASLD12_FILE and logical file path FI_ERVJAB_FILE_PATH
, associated with the report. You should maintain the physical file paththat you need to use in this report, against the logical file pathFI_ERVJAB_FILE_PATH using transaction FILE.
For further information on maintaining the physical file path, refer toDefining Logical Path and File Names.

The system generates a DME file corresponding to your entries. There aretwo ways of generating this file. For this, you only have to enter thedata in the relevant tab page:
Standard Output (in tab page Output Control)
To ensure that the submitting company data (i.e. the company code data)is correctly issued in the data medium, the tax office number, taxnumber and DPR number must be maintained. These specifications aretransferred to the information record, which itself is issued in aseparate list for control reasons.
You can copy the file you create in this way onto a PC drive using theprogram RFASLDPC (not relevant for DME engine output)
Using a DME engine format tree (tab page DMEE Output)
Enter a DME engine format tree for generating the file. The tree typemust be ASLD. Depending on the format tree, you can generate a flat fileor an XML file. If an XML file is used, you need to complete theXML-relevant fields.

For each company code, you must maintain the address data and theadditional data relevant to the sales list. You reach the appropriateentry screen from the detail screen of the company code. Check whetherthis prerequisite has been fulfilled.
The tax code must be marked as an EC code within the system settings.Check whether this prerequisite has been fulfilled.

886306RFASLD12 monthly reporting
1403538Austria - Intra-EC Supplies of Services (VAT 2010)
1384895VAT 2010: Technical prerequisites part II, reporting
766359RFASLM00 - Optical EC Sales List archiving
870277Monthly submission of EC sales list
687970EC sales list (ZM) via XML
871301Selection parameter Ledger in tax programs
773217RFASLD12 Documents wrongly reported
764177RFASLD12 Roundings of total
738335DMEEngine: XML files incorrectly stored on server