Programme SAP RFASLD11 - EC Sales List (Spain)

The report creates a data extract for the EC sales list in Spain. Thereport takes into account both vendors and customers. The data extract icreated as a UNIX file.
The report creates the EC sales list according to the transitionalarrangement for the taxes on sales and purchases in the EC SingleEuropean Market from 1/1/1993The report is created quarterly or annually, however, it can also beissued in another rhythm (for testing purposes or if the responsible taxauthorities allow this).
In the report, normal documents are dealt with, whose tax indicatorwas indicated as an EC code with "1" or "3" in the default settings.
The UNIX file consists of two different record types:

  • Specifications of the sender and totals specifications

  • Output of the business partners with individual sales

  • The record length is 128 characters for all record types.
    If the tax registration number of the business partner is missing, adetailed error message will follow. In this case, the information is notlisted in the report.

    RESET N1
    For creating the sequential UNIX file, the entire access path in thefile tree must be given for the file name.
    For example:
    If part of the access path is missing, the file may be written to thewrong place in the UNIX file tree or it may not be created at all. In thsecond case, the program terminates with the message that the file couldnot be opened.
    The additional entries for the company code must be stored in thedefault settings. You reach the corresponding entry screen from thedetail screen of the company code. Check whether this requirement hasbeen met.
    The tax code must be indicated in the default settings as an EC code.Check whether this requirement has been met.


    Output to floppy disk
    The report first creates one sequential UNIX file. Access path and filename for this are to be specified on the selection screen. With reportRFASLDPC, this UNIX file can then be stored on a DOS or OS/2 floppydisk. If one floppy disk is not sufficient, the data record must first bstored with the above-mentioned report on the hard disk of the DOS orOS/2 computer. From there, it can then be stored on floppy disks with thBACKUP command (DOS or OS/2).

    Output on list
    If you want, a line item list can be requested which lists theinformation to be reported on document level and makes the followingsumming up:
    *,,Total per job processing indicator (0/1)
    **,,Total per tax registration number of the business partner
    ***,,Total per transaction type (1/2/3/4)

375410F5060/FF747 for posting with multi-line tax