Programme SAP RFALEX00 -

The report makes it possible to distribute exchange rates (table TCURR)from a central system to one or more local systems. The process isstarted by ALE and is carried out using IDOCS (Intermediate Documents).
The report can be used if you have the following or a similar systemlandscape exists (all participating systems are SAP systems withRelease 4.5A or higher):
The exchange rates are maintained in a central system CEN. For example,current daily exchange rates are imported here daily from externalsystems using data transfer. The exchange rates should then always bereplicated in local systems DC1 and DC2 if not business transactionshave been posted there.
The report can then be started at a corresponding time of day, so thata selected quantity of exchange rates is replicated from system CEN tosystems DC1 and DC2.
Program functionality
Depending on the selection conditions entered, all exchange rates arethen reads and prepared for transfer to ALE. Once the receiver systemhas been determined, all collected data is transferred to ALE and sentin the form of IDOCs. Depending on the settings made, the update can beperformed either immediately or later as part of a planned massprocessing.
During update in the receiver system, checks are performed to ensurethat the system settings are correct (existence of currency codes,exchange rate types and the existence of exchange rate relations foreach currency pair). If the exchange rate relation settings vary, theentries in the receiver system are adapted accordingly.
You can view the quantity of selected data in a test run.
Selection Screen
Since the currency exchange rates do not have to apply for one day, andcan apply until they are replaced with another rate, you can choosewhether you want to transfer daily exchange rates for a specific date,or exchange rates that were valid for a date.
First choice: Daily Exchange Rates.
Second choice: Exchange Rates Valid for Date.
You can define whether exchange rates are to be selected only forcertain from-currencies and to-currencies.
You can choose whether
changes to fixed rates are to be permitted and/or if
overwriting existing rates is to be permitted.
You can restrict you selection by exchange rate types.
If the 'Display only' flag is set, no data is sent. The selected datais just displayed.
Note: To reduce the impairment to performance that occurs whenselecting, converting and sending data, you can select specifically byfrom or to-currencies. It is therefore advisable to create selectionvariants that restrict the data that can be restricted.

A corresponding ALE distribution model has been defined.

Once ALE has been called up, the system issues an action log.

An entry for the quantity of selected rates might be:
M ITL FRF 3,78654 1 100 ( 1 ITL = 378,654 FRF).
The settings in the receiver system for M ITL FRF are maintained, withan exchange rate relation of 1:1. The exchange rate is then replicatedin the form
M ITL FRF 378,65400 1 1

538416TCURR: Rates with reference currency as "To" currency
481146Distribution of rates between Rel. 4.5B and later releases