Programme SAP REUSTAUF - Set up stock statistics

This report creates new statistics records for stock statistics.
You use the two indicators under Control: reset, or set up tospecify whether the records are to be deleted and whether these recordsare to be created again.
You use the remaining indicators to specify which statistics categoriesare to be included.
Field,,Statistics Category
Business partner - 01
Partner relationships - 02
Contract accounts - 03
Contracts - 04, 14
Installations - 05
Connection objects - 06
Premises - 07
Device locations - 08
Devices - 13
Individual facts - 09, 10, 11
ARCR allocs for ref. values - 12
(ARCR allocations for reference values)
You can also delete the statistical records using the the database.This is recommended for large quantities of data. You must reset theindicators on the basis of the following tables:
Business partner - EMDST01
Partner relationships - EMDST02
Contract accounts - EMDST03
Contracts - EMDST04, EMDST14
Installations - EMDST05
Connection objects - EMDST06
Premises - EMDST07
Device locations - EMDST08
Devices - EMDST13
Individual facts - EMDST09,EMDST10,EMDST11
ARCR allocations for reference values - EMDST12

458028Performance DEVICE / INST_MGMT / DEV_MGMT (statistics)