Programme SAP REUKEWUSALDOCHECK - Balance Check for FI-CA Docs Before EURO Conversion (Before REUKEWU3)

Balance check of FI-CA documents as part of the euro currencychangeover

Report RFKKEWUSALDOCHECK checks FI-CA documents for zero balance. Thenumbers of the documents with balances not equal to zero are written totable RFDT(KK) using EXPORT TO DATABASE.
Report RFKKEWU3 adds to this the number of documents that have nocapacity for the rounding item and writes them to the criticaldocuments table DFKKEWUDOCCRIT.
This update by report RFKKEWU3 does not take place when the program isrun with a test package. This is the case when the settings for thepackage in table EWUPAK show "T" for test run or runtime forecast(otherwise "P" for production run/live) as the indicator forconversion/runtime forecast (field PRODFLAG). If there are more than10,000 documents with a balance not equal to zero, conversion isterminated by report RFKKEWU3: The documents must be corrected first.If there are less than 10,000 documents with a balance not equal tozero, conversion continues. These documents are converted to euros,however no rounding items are posted even if this proves necessary.

The report can be run as often as is necessary, before, during andafter conversion. You can also use it before conversion to test whetherthere are more than 10,000 documents with a balance not equal to zero.You will have to read the exported records with a program of your own.For this you can copy the form SELECT_CRITICAL_DOCS from reportRFKKEWU3. Call this form and determine the number of documents with abalance not equal to zero by using the DESCRIBE command on the tableinto which the form was just read.

329840Euroconversion error due to failing FI-CA reports