Programme SAP REUKEWU4 - Euro: Adjust Installment Plans and Collective Bills

Report REUKEWU4 adjusts installment plans and collective invoices inContract Accounts Receivable and Payable as part of local currencychangeover to the euro.
The report runs in the RECON phase of the standard conversion packagefor the euro.
Installment plans and collective invoices are special, statisticaldocuments in Contract A/R & A/P with documents as source items. Theyalso represent operative, open items.
Installment plans and collective invoices were already converted toeuros as part of document conversion, as they are statisticaldocuments.
The following totals must correspond before and after conversion:

  • The total of open installment plan items and the total of open source
  • receivables
    • For each clearing, the total of cleared installment plan items and the
    • total of cleared source receivables
      • The total of open collective invoice items and the total of source
      • receivables
        • For each clearing, the total of cleared collective invoice items and
        • the total of cleared source receivables
          For this reason, installment plans and collective invoices must beadjusted after document conversion but before going live, as they areneeded for operational business.
          Further information
          You will find a detailed description of the adjustment procedure in thegeneral procedure description for euro conversion in Contract A/R & A/Pin the online documentation.